Antique Techniques Tinted cianotypeTinted cianotype. (handmade camera and lens)Tinted cianotype. (handmade camera and lens)Traum..Tinted cianotype. (handmade camera and lens)Pinhole, paper negative of Cavallerizza and Il Mole, using coffe can as camera.Nemo.Tinted cianotype. (handmade camera and lens)Giulia. Tinted cianotype. (handmade camera and lens)Handmade camera, Version 01.Michele DR. Shot on handmade camera using paper negative.Poster for Memorex exhibition,TurinMichele DR. Tinted cianotype. (handmade camera and lens)Morena. Tinted cianotype. (handmade camera and lens)Pinhole image of Cavellerizza building in Turin, Italy.Shot with a coffee can 2 minutes exposure paper negative.Cyanotype print (workshop 2016)Cyanotype print and negative ready to print (workshop 2016)Cyanotype prints exhibition HERE 2017Using coffee to make brown version of print:Cianotype workshop in Cavallerizza Reale Turin